About Us

We are a leading group of importers / buyers / traders of Plastic Raw Materials and chemicals located at the Bombay, the prime business center of India. Since the year 1970, we have established ourselves as one of the most reputed dealers (importers), fully committed towards providing material of the highest quality standards in a timely manner.
Our business is primarily focused on importing some of the widely used plastic raw materials and supplying directly to manufacturers into industries manufacturing Pens, Toothbrushes, Cassettes, Automobiles, Medical devices, Electronic Goods, FMCG and other household products.

Our global business strategy is to exploit in a continual manner new market opportunities brought in by the changing global scenario. It will be our constant endeavor to provide better customer service across nations, which is the key strength to our success. 

We have a wealth of experience accumulated over the years that has helped us to firmly establish ourselves in a position strength and enables us to offer our customers a wide range of products procured from accredited suppliers from globally. 

 Copyright 2004 - 2005 - Shantilal Mahendrakumar & Company